your age, gender, and goals, with vegetarians and
diabetic options.
Easy to follow and convenient The
food arrives once a month, so you don’t have to
worry about what’s for lunch or dinner—it’s
always on hand. ■ Works well for those who
prefer not to attend group meetings. ■ Supportive
counseling is readily available if you need it.
Expensive. Expect to pay in excess
of $300 per month for Nutrisystem meals. That
doesn’t include the food you’ll add from the
grocery store. ■ Premade meals don’t teach you
healthy grocery shopping and cooking techniques
that you’ll need to be successful in the long term.
In Volumetries, foods are ranked according to
energy density, the term for how many calories
are in a given weight of food. Foods low in energy
density—such as broth-based soups and vegetables—
have a lot of bulk but few calories. Foods high in
energy density—such as fatty foods—are the
opposite. The latest book outlining the program is
T h e V o lu m e trie s E a t in g P la n : T e ch n iq u e s a n d
R e c ip e s f o r F e e lin g F u ll on F e w e r C a lo r ie s ,
Barbara Rolls, the dietitian and researcher at
Volum etries
Ric Keller, age 44
“I’m a guy who just loves to eat,
and Volumetries was the only
eating plan that kept me full,”
says Ric Keller, a former
congressman in Orlando, Florida.
He lost about two pounds a week
after starting the program in 2007,
goingfrom 255 to 155 pounds. Breakfast
is always two cups of Cheerios, 1 cup of
skim milk,
cups of strawberries (or
other fruit), and coffee with fat-free
half-and-half. For lunch he has a salad
topped with chicken and a side of green
beans. He has three snacks a day, usually
fresh fruit. Dinner, which Ric calls his
wild card, often starts with soup. If he
only has time for fast food, he visits
Subway or Chick-fil-A. At home, he
eats fish or chicken. “If I’m still
hungry, I have another salad,” he says.
Exercise helps him maintain his weight.
He runs for an hour most days.
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